With a rare statistical cluster of several cannibal-related stories
within the span of one week -- from a face-gnawing frenzy in Miami to a
Maryland college student snacking upon his roommate -- media nationwide
have predictably made a race for the bottom, positing asinine theories
and invoking doom & gloom "zombie apocalypse" scenarios. Never mind
that these stories (the details of which have been so over-exposed that
exploring them here -- even in basic summary -- is unnecessary) are only
possibly related at only at the most superficial thematic level. A
disgruntled Baltimore Sun reader notes in a letter to the editor,
that the once proud paper has delighted in "over a solid week" of
pointless "coverage": "While gory details are hashed over continuously
and delicious new ones slipped in, very few new or for that matter,
explanatory, aspects are introduced", he wrote. ...Read the rest here